For centuries the story of the prodigal son has been called “the gospel in the Gospel.” If across the centuries this is the way the church has seen this parable, how is it that the atonement appears to be missing in the story? If the cross is essential for forgiveness, why does it seem to be absent in this parable?

If this kind of question intrigues you…stay tuned! I’m going to be updating my front page with a series of reflections from Kenneth Bailey’s The Cross and the Prodigal: Luke 15 Through the Eyes of Middle Eastern Peasants.

Friday, November 14, 2008

George W's theology

1 comment:

B said...

I am interested in learning more about your work in Caracas. I was there for 3 months 2 years ago and loved it! :) Still praying about missions work and a good fit. my friends told me about innerchange. hope to hear form you. :) Dios te bandiga! Becca